Contagious book sparknotes the great

Pox americana the great smallpox epidemic of 1775 82. Why things catch on, there are six ingredients associated with messages, products, or ideas that go viral. The dynamic young wharton professor draws on his research to explain the six steps that make products or ideas contagious. This deadly global flu outbreak has gotten hazy in the public memory, and its origins and character were unclear from the beginning, writes popular historian barry rising tide, 1997, etc. Contagious reveals the secret science behind wordofmouth and social transmission. I highly recommend reading it so you can get the indepth stories and studies he tells to back up his points. Curious about the major works and figures in the study of the nature of reality and existence.

The great smallpox epidemic of 1775 82 by elizabeth a. Why things catch on by jonah bergen is an eyeopening book full of not only entertaining examples of viral campaigns, but also a painstaking analysis into the science of social transmission. Lifelong learners will benefit every time they read a summary. Why things catch on by wharton associate marketing professor jonah berger is the latest attempt, and it offers some new examples and a new mnemonic for creating stuff that spreads. This is a summary of what i think is the most important and insightful parts of the book. Today, the story of gatsbys doomed love for the unattainable daisy is considered a defining novel of the 20th century. Feb 09, 2004 elie wiesel spent his early years in a small transylvanian town as one of four children. Vanessa van edwards mentions brene browns tedtalk and how she used eye contact to build connection with the audience heres brenes great book summary. Sixty percent are gone within the first three years.

Overall, contagious is a great overview of the primary features that drive things to spread in a viral way. Its more powerful because its more persuasive since it comes from a trusted source, and. Contagious is a science fiction thriller novel by scott sigler. Apr 03, 20 it is just such a project that wharton marketing professor and writer jonah berger has been engaged in for much of his career, and in his new book contagious. Spring and all by the road to the contagious hospital by. Why things catch on, berger reports on his findings. Our study guides are available online and in book form at.

Well discover how six basic principles drive all sorts of things to go viral, providing a set of specific, actionable techniques to craft contagious content. There are two big reasons why wordofmouth marketing is more effective than formal ways of advertising. Jonah berger beings by saying that one of the elements of virality is simply having a great product. But influenza tore apart the worlds social fabric for two long years, and it would be a mistake to forget its lessons. Across america, a mysterious pathogen transforms ordinary people into raging killers, psychopaths driven by a terrifying, alien agenda. Bergers research has revealed that there are 6 main factors that help explain social pandemics.

There really is no other tool that we use like getabstract. He undergoes no significant changes, development, or growth throughout the story and remains exactly as the reader encounters him in the opening pages. Contagious culture is a beautifully written, fun, and accessible book that offers the reader a unique opportunity to dig deep, and really think about the way we show up in our daily lives. Although lennie is among the principal characters in of mice and men, he is perhaps the least dynamic. If youre looking for free book summaries, this is the single best page on the internet. Resonant leaders are emotionally intelligentthey move others, igniting positive feelings that bring out the best in people and drive performance. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the plague and what it means.

But wein knew that good food and great atmosphere wouldnt be enough. The human race fights back, yet after every battle the disease responds, adapts, using sophisticated strategies. The greatest contribution this book makes is the recognition of various evangelism styles. Im nik, a writer from germany, and in 2016, i wrote over 365 book summaries. Jonah berger is a marketing professor at the wharton school at the university of pennsylvania and internationally bestselling author of contagious, invisible influence, and the catalyst. It is the sequel to siglers infected, and like its predecessor was released in both podcast and print versions plot summary. If you like tribes, you might also enjoy the following books.

Contagious by jonah berger book summary in contagious, berger reveals the secret science behind wordofmouth and social transmission. Ill give him kudos for the work but i really cant say hes a great author. Membaca contagious, sebenarnya formula yang dipakai berger di buku ini pernah gue temui di beberapa risetnya yang banyak membahas topik so. Perry dawsey and margaret montoya attempt to stop an alien infestation of hatchlings. Give your product and its owner social status by making it and those who owntalk about it. Whether you love or hate trump, youll learn a lot about sales, publicity and negot. It is the sequel to siglers infected, and like its predecessor was released in both podcast and print versions. The book is a valuable blueprint for creating ideas, marketing campaigns, and. Rebecca blacks friday music video is a great example of this. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

Her behaviour research lab the science of people has been featured in fast company, inc, mens health. Jonah berger, new york times best selling author titled contagious. Management deep work by cal newport 610 learn how to focus intensely on your work to get more done in less time with this book from cal newport. However, you shouldnt expect things to happen in the order that they do in the following short summary. These books offer compelling stories, intriguing insights, and fascinating takeaways from some of the biggest and brightest minds in business and beyond. The book is written almost exclusively about the american impacts towards and from the flu. If you are looking for a marketing book which is entertaining, easy to read and carries value, contagious. Some of the best books available are biographies and memoirs of great people. Contagious why things catch on adds useful new examples, and a new stepps mnemonic into the innovators vocabulary. Learn how a luxury steakhouse found popularity through the lowly cheesesteak, why antidrug commercials might have actually increased drug use, and why more than 200 million consumers shared a video about one of the seemingly most boring products there is. Thinking in bets hits decision making from a different angle. How great leaders inspire everyone to take action by simon sinek.

Mar 01, 20 contagious combines groundbreaking research with powerful stories. The great influenza by john barry is an important book that is equal part history and equal part science discussing the 1918 flu. The great ceo within by matt mochary 710 the most important highlights and takeaways from the book the great ceo within by matt mochary. Triggers this chapter in our book discussed the great importance triggers have on what we talk about, what we buy and when we are more likely to buy it. This person the speaker of the poem begins by describing the scene. The narrator of the great gatsby is a young man from minnesota named nick carraway. In addition, a podcast interview with berger posted on notes that one of bergers favorite five is the book diffusion of innovations. Nov 16, 2001 the following is an excerpt from the book pox americana. New york times best seller contagious why things catch on, author jonah berger gives countless reallife examples of the mysterious methods employed to capture the logic defying attention of the masses. You get an inside look at big deals donald trump made in the 1980s building his empire, including trump tower. What follows here is a reconstructed version of the plot timeline, just so your head wont explode.

The links above are affiliate links which helps us provide more great content for free. Discover how six basic principles drive all sorts of things to become popular. Wein didnt create just another cheesesteak, he created a conversation piece. I think its a bit preposterous to say you answer this question with the hands and that question with body language. After all, the thing restaurants are best at is going out of business. More than 25 percent fail within twelve months of opening their doors. It is just such a project that wharton marketing professor and writer jonah berger has been engaged in for much of his career, and in his new book contagious. In the book, becoming a contagious christian, bill hybels and mark mittelberg point out that there are a variety of different evangelism styles. How great leaders enable and encourage positive and contagious energy. Use our free book summaries to learn the 3 central ideas from over 600 books in 4 minutes or less. This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about how to spread ideas, increase brand awareness. I cant speak for anyone else and i strongly recommend you to read the book in order to fully grasp the concepts written here.

He not only narrates the story but casts himself as the book s author. Read a plot overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter summary and analysis. Contagious shows how entrepreneurs and marketers can make their content more. There are a many ways to skin the viral cat tipping point, unleashing the ideavirus, how hits happen, made to stick and while there are few awesome revelations contagious. Why things catch on by jonah berger, and it outlines 6 factors that makes things go viral.

Free summary soundview subscribers get indepth summaries of the key concepts in bestselling business books like those listed above delivered to them every week. Its written by annie duke, who was a professional poker play the only woman to have won the wsop tournament of champions and the nbc national headsup poker championship, and now is a speaker and consultant on decision strategy. He begins by commenting on himself, stating that he learned from his father to reserve judgment about other people, because if he holds them up to his own moral standards. One of my favorite marketing books, its a useful overview of why some things catch on, others dont, and how we might better engineer our messages. There are a many ways to skin the viral cat tipping point, unleashing the ideavirus, how hits happen, made to stick and while there are few awesome revelations contagious holds its own. Contagious is a great book that i recommend every media marketer to read, since it has profound evidence and studies showing that the methods jonah is using actually works. The great hall was empty but for the knot of dogs by the fire, who, taking in at a glance the outdoor aspect of miss bart, were upon her at once with lavish offers of companionship. Word of mouth drives 2050% of all purchasing decisions. Lead with intention to create positive results soundview. She put aside the ramming paws which conveyed these offers, and assuring the joyous volunteers that she might presently have a use for their company, sauntered on. The characters are flat, reach lifealtering decisions in a heartbeat, change their behaviour and opinions on a whim.

Contagious summary word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20 percent to 5o percent of all purchasing decisions. From plato to foucault, we break down the main ideas in philosophical thought. Wharton marketing professor jonah bergers new book, contagious. The book underlies the importance of how these triggers influence immediate and. Its just a great addon that really does enhance learning. Jun 22, 2009 between the covers of the great philly cheesesteak book is an incredible amount of information about philadelphias wellknown claim to culinary fame. Contagious combines groundbreaking research with powerful stories. Dawsey, former michigan linebacker, has survived the events in infected, but remains telepathically linked to the.

He was the only one of the family to survive what francois maurois, in his introduction, calls the human holocaust of the persecution of the jews, which began with the restrictions, the singularization of the yellow star, the enclosure within the ghetto, and went on to the mass deportations to the ovens. See a complete list of the characters in great expectations and indepth analyses of pip, estella. Berger digs into the ideas of social transmission and how wordofmouth gets spread from person to person. It makes a great pair with a few more books on marketing and influencing such as make to stick, the tipping point, triggers, brandwashed and influence, the big classic by cialdini. Scott fitzgerald s 1925 jazz age novel about the impossibility of recapturing the past, was initially a failure. Interestingly, bergers academic work cites rogers work. Why things catch on 5 key points jonah bergers animated book summary. Yet, according to research by the keller fay group, only 7 percent of word of mouth happens online. Between the covers of the great philly cheesesteak book is an incredible amount of information about philadelphias wellknown claim to culinary fame. Why things catch on, distills six principles that cause people to talk about and share an idea or product. The book starts by laying out what he believes are the six principles of contagiousness. Want a quick and easy way to remember the book s key ideas. While some of the points, like the importance of storytelling, may be evident for veteran marketers, even the most experienced people in the advertising industry can learn something new.

The suggested questions are intended to help your reading group find new and interesting angles and topics for your discussion. Youd think that the best product at the most attractive. The human race fights back, yet after every battle the disease responds, adapts, using sophisticated. Explore a character analysis of gatsby, plot summary, and important quotes. Jonah says marketers need to use social currency to achieve great. Download this handy reference to hang up at your desk. My thought on each chapter is detailed in this series, but here is a very brief summary of the takehome messages. Time has left the early pages of his diary so damaged that the exact date remains uncertain.

Aug 14, 2017 hold eye contact to produce trust and gaze to build connection. Someone has stopped by the side of a road that leads to a hospital, and he or she is looking at the landscape. To find out more about jonahs research on how things catch on, you can buy his book contagious from amazon or any major retailer. This hollowness or emptiness of modern american life, the breaking up of families and communities, the pollution in the environment, according to the authors, is all in large part due to affluenza, a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and. Most of the indigenous peoples of the americas, though, didnt live in dense settlements, and even those who lived in villages tended to move with the seasons, taking apart their towns and rebuilding them somewhere else. Hes a worldrenowned expert on social influence, word of mouth, and why products, ideas, and behaviors catch on and has published over 50 papers in toptier academic journals. The basic definition of a trigger contextually speaking is an event happening that causes us to focus on a product or memory associated with that event. One reason some products and ideas become popular is that they are just plain better. Find all the books, read about the author, and more.

Oct 25, 2016 this is a breakdown of the book contagious. Research by the keller fay group finds that only 7 percent of word of mouth happens online. From consumer products and policy initiatives to b2b services and ideas and initiatives within organizations. A little book that teaches you when to quit and when to stick recommended reading. Jun 27, 2017 vanessa van edwards is an interpersonal intelligence expert and public speaker. Jun 18, 2017 this book explains why emotions are such a primal part of how our brains operate, and why emotional intelligence ei is so prime core to leadership.

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